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Raising the bar for Indian S&T journals: some contentions revisited

1 CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research, 14-Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi 110 067, India

There have been periodic discussions on the state of Indian Science and Technology (S&T) journals. Several reasons have been attributed for the low quality of these journals. Different authors at different points in time have articulated steps and approaches to strengthen the Indian S&T journals. One of the long-held contentions has been that the best of Indian scientists should choose Indian journals over foreign ones to publish their best works. This article traces key discussions of the last 90 years and revisits some of the contentions.


Indian journals, journal quality, research journals, science and technology journals.
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  • Raising the bar for Indian S&T journals: some contentions revisited

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G. Mahesh
CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research, 14-Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi 110 067, India


There have been periodic discussions on the state of Indian Science and Technology (S&T) journals. Several reasons have been attributed for the low quality of these journals. Different authors at different points in time have articulated steps and approaches to strengthen the Indian S&T journals. One of the long-held contentions has been that the best of Indian scientists should choose Indian journals over foreign ones to publish their best works. This article traces key discussions of the last 90 years and revisits some of the contentions.


Indian journals, journal quality, research journals, science and technology journals.
