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Implementation of managed aquifer recharge techniques in India

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Rupnagar 140 001, India

Rapid rise in population and urbanization have caused excessive groundwater exploitation which is a major concern. Therefore, technologies to replenish the groundwater are necessary for its conservation and sustainable development. Storage of freshwater in shallow aquifers using different techniques has become the practice worldwide to restore the depleting groundwater and improve water quality. This article addresses the implementation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in six zones of India, viz. North, South, East, West, Central and North East along with a brief scenario of the geologies of these zones. The prevalence of percolation tanks, check dams, recharge shafts and rainwater harvesting methods is found to be feasible and beneficial in most parts of India due to their efficiency and easy application. The adversities of MAR like clogging of porous media are also high­lighted along with their mitigation strategies


Check dams, managed aquifer recharge, recharge shafts, rooftop rainwater harvesting, percolation tanks.
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  • Implementation of managed aquifer recharge techniques in India

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Shreya Ganguly
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Rupnagar 140 001, India
Sayantan Ganguly
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Rupnagar 140 001, India


Rapid rise in population and urbanization have caused excessive groundwater exploitation which is a major concern. Therefore, technologies to replenish the groundwater are necessary for its conservation and sustainable development. Storage of freshwater in shallow aquifers using different techniques has become the practice worldwide to restore the depleting groundwater and improve water quality. This article addresses the implementation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in six zones of India, viz. North, South, East, West, Central and North East along with a brief scenario of the geologies of these zones. The prevalence of percolation tanks, check dams, recharge shafts and rainwater harvesting methods is found to be feasible and beneficial in most parts of India due to their efficiency and easy application. The adversities of MAR like clogging of porous media are also high­lighted along with their mitigation strategies


Check dams, managed aquifer recharge, recharge shafts, rooftop rainwater harvesting, percolation tanks.
