Vegetative propagation of Ulmus villosa Brandis and Ulmus wallichiana Planchon: optimizing plant growth regulators and growing media on ischolar_main formation in hardwood stem cuttings
Ulmus villosa and Ulmus wallichiana are agroforestry tree species of the Kashmir valley, India. Low viability and less longevity of the seeds limit their propagation. The hardwood stem cuttings of both species were propagated in growing medium (soil, sand and a mixture of cocopeat : vermiculite : perlite) and treated with different indole-butyric acid (IBA) concentrations. The results showed maximum sprouting, ischolar_maining, survival, shoot length, ischolar_main length, and leaf area at 2500 and 2000 ppm IBA for U. villosa and U. wallichiana respectively. Moreover, with cocopeat : vermiculite : perlite 2 : 1 : 1, significant results were observed in both the species. The interaction between planting media and IBA concentration showed significant variance.
Growing media, indole-butyric acid, stem cuttings, Ulmus villosa, Ulmus wallichiana, vegetation propagation.
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