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Relationship between diameter and depth of potholes controlled by lithology and structure in the Rarh region of India

1 Department of Geography, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia 723 104, India
2 Department of Geography, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata 700 033, India
3 Department of Geography, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Sarisha 743 368, India

A total of 263 riverbed potholes were studied at five sites with Precambrian Chhota Nagpur granitic-gneiss, tonalite gneiss and sandstone under Permo-Carboni­ferous age of Gondwana rocks. Fluvio-hydrological, geospatial and statistical techniques were used to determine the diameter – depth dynamics on lithology with structural diversity of the Rarh region of peninsular India. The diameter–depth relationship is required for site-specific regional projects such as excavation, channel-bed dredging and dam construction, specially in the stability analysis of environmental and hydraulic engineering projects. The result shows positive correlation between diameter and depth of different sites such as circular, oval and elongated sculpted forms. Lithology and multidimensional structural elements accelerate the growth and enlargement of potholes on various riverbeds of the Rarh region of India.


Diameter–depth relationship, lithology, potholes, riverbed, structural diversity.
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  • Relationship between diameter and depth of potholes controlled by lithology and structure in the Rarh region of India

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Biswajit Bera
Department of Geography, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia 723 104, India
Sumana Bhattacharjee
Department of Geography, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata 700 033, India
Meelan Chamling
Department of Geography, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia 723 104, India
Arijit Ghosh
Department of Geography, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia 723 104, India
Nairita Sengutpa
Department of Geography, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Sarisha 743 368, India
Supriya Ghosh
Department of Geography, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia 723 104, India


A total of 263 riverbed potholes were studied at five sites with Precambrian Chhota Nagpur granitic-gneiss, tonalite gneiss and sandstone under Permo-Carboni­ferous age of Gondwana rocks. Fluvio-hydrological, geospatial and statistical techniques were used to determine the diameter – depth dynamics on lithology with structural diversity of the Rarh region of peninsular India. The diameter–depth relationship is required for site-specific regional projects such as excavation, channel-bed dredging and dam construction, specially in the stability analysis of environmental and hydraulic engineering projects. The result shows positive correlation between diameter and depth of different sites such as circular, oval and elongated sculpted forms. Lithology and multidimensional structural elements accelerate the growth and enlargement of potholes on various riverbeds of the Rarh region of India.


Diameter–depth relationship, lithology, potholes, riverbed, structural diversity.
