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Influence of Gibberellic Acid on Seedlessness in Jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels)

1 Vegetable Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Palur 607 102, India

An experiment was conducted using jamun to assess the physiology of seedless fruit formation. Seedless jamuns have higher content of gibberellic acid (GA3) (0.876 mg g-1) than seeded fruits (0.461 mg g-1) produced in the seedless genotype. Consequently, GA3 at 100 ppm was sprayed over the jamun trees that resulted in 99.5% seedless fruit production, which was higher than the unsprayed control (72.6%). Also, the application of GA3 at 300 ppm resulted in 36.4% seedless fruit formation in the seeded genotype. In corroboration with embryo abortion by GA3, the fruits sprayed with the latter at 100 ppm were analysed for their GA3 content. The results indicated that GA3 content was highest (5.609 mg g-1) in these fruits when compared to control (0.683 mg g-1)


Fruit Production, Growth Hormone, Gibberellic Acid, Jamun, Seedlessness.
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  • Influence of Gibberellic Acid on Seedlessness in Jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels)

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K. Raja
Vegetable Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Palur 607 102, India
M. S. Aneesa Rani
Vegetable Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Palur 607 102, India


An experiment was conducted using jamun to assess the physiology of seedless fruit formation. Seedless jamuns have higher content of gibberellic acid (GA3) (0.876 mg g-1) than seeded fruits (0.461 mg g-1) produced in the seedless genotype. Consequently, GA3 at 100 ppm was sprayed over the jamun trees that resulted in 99.5% seedless fruit production, which was higher than the unsprayed control (72.6%). Also, the application of GA3 at 300 ppm resulted in 36.4% seedless fruit formation in the seeded genotype. In corroboration with embryo abortion by GA3, the fruits sprayed with the latter at 100 ppm were analysed for their GA3 content. The results indicated that GA3 content was highest (5.609 mg g-1) in these fruits when compared to control (0.683 mg g-1)


Fruit Production, Growth Hormone, Gibberellic Acid, Jamun, Seedlessness.
