Groundwater evidences in confirmation of palaeo-course of Assi River in Uttar Pradesh, India
The palaeo-course of the Assi river in Uttar Pradesh, India was delineated through visual image impressions using remote sensing data. To corroborate on the existence of this palaeo-course 192 open wells and several ponds along and within the palaeo-course were observed showing very shallow groundwater table. Also, eight trenches dug within the channel and over the natural levees confirmed the existence of very shallow groundwater conditions. The observations of wells were made and trenches were dug during January–February 2020, by which time most of the ponds away from the channel dry out and the water column in the wells outside the course is reduced compared to the ponds and wells located over the banks and wells within the palaeo-course and outside it corroborates the existence of the Assi palaeo-course.
Groundwater, open wells and ponds, palaeocourse, remote sensing.
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