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Evaluation of distilled water as a mountant in the slide preparation for phytolith identification

1 Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara 390 005, India, India

Microscopy is a critical component in phytolith research. To identify and count distinct morphotypes, phytoliths extracted from sediments are mounted on microscopy slides and observed under a microscope. The mounting material used to adhere the samples to the slides affects visibility and image quality. Mountants are chosen depen­ding on whether a temporary or permanent slide is requi­red. Benzyl benzoate, microscopy immersion oil, glycerol and distilled water are a few temporary mountants used for phytolith analysis. In the present study, we evaluate the efficiency of distilled water as a temporary mountant with regard to viewing efficiency, image clarity and ability of rotation of phytoliths


Archaeobotany, distilled water, microscopy, mountant, phytolith.
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  • Evaluation of distilled water as a mountant in the slide preparation for phytolith identification

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Rajalakshmi Karakulam
Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara 390 005, India, India
K. Krishnan
Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara 390 005, India, India


Microscopy is a critical component in phytolith research. To identify and count distinct morphotypes, phytoliths extracted from sediments are mounted on microscopy slides and observed under a microscope. The mounting material used to adhere the samples to the slides affects visibility and image quality. Mountants are chosen depen­ding on whether a temporary or permanent slide is requi­red. Benzyl benzoate, microscopy immersion oil, glycerol and distilled water are a few temporary mountants used for phytolith analysis. In the present study, we evaluate the efficiency of distilled water as a temporary mountant with regard to viewing efficiency, image clarity and ability of rotation of phytoliths


Archaeobotany, distilled water, microscopy, mountant, phytolith.
