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Observed vis-à-vis projected crops yield in India in the context of climate change

1 ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Re-search, New Delhi 110 012, India, India
2 Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi 110 012, India, India

Agriculture is the most weather-dependent human activity and hence climate change significantly impacts agricultural productivity. In the present study, an attempt has been made to review the existing literature to document and assess the projected crops yield vis-à-vis actual yield of various crops in India. It has been found that most of the studies have projected decline in yield of crops due to climate change up to 2020 and in future. However, actual yield of various crops in India has shown increasing trend till date. Adaptation measures like the release and adoption of new varieties of crops and increase in area under irrigation, use of more chemicals and fertilizers, improved mechanization of agricultural operations, etc. have contributed in enhancing the crop yield. Thus, such measures should be strengthened by the Government for sustainable agriculture
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  • Observed vis-à-vis projected crops yield in India in the context of climate change

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Nalini Ranjan Kumar
ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Re-search, New Delhi 110 012, India, India
Shilpi Kapoor
ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Re-search, New Delhi 110 012, India, India
S. K. Srivastava
ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Re-search, New Delhi 110 012, India, India
Naveen P. Singh
Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi 110 012, India, India


Agriculture is the most weather-dependent human activity and hence climate change significantly impacts agricultural productivity. In the present study, an attempt has been made to review the existing literature to document and assess the projected crops yield vis-à-vis actual yield of various crops in India. It has been found that most of the studies have projected decline in yield of crops due to climate change up to 2020 and in future. However, actual yield of various crops in India has shown increasing trend till date. Adaptation measures like the release and adoption of new varieties of crops and increase in area under irrigation, use of more chemicals and fertilizers, improved mechanization of agricultural operations, etc. have contributed in enhancing the crop yield. Thus, such measures should be strengthened by the Government for sustainable agriculture
