Major breakthroughs in vaccinology arise from our understanding of the fundamentals of immunology and infection biology of the disease. The pathogenicity cycle of a microorganism, from its introduction into the host until the resultant effects of infection, is closely linked to the host's immune response towards the pathogen. Additionally, questions in vaccinology, such as what determines the most efficacious route for vaccine delivery and whether mimicking infection from a different route of entry will generate a better immune response, remain open and may not be fully addressed during vaccine development. This article highlights the importance of the life-history traits of the pathogens and enumerates their relevance in designing vaccines. We revisit the path from life-history traits to vaccine development consideĀring the pathogenicity cycle, which may prove critical in designing effective future vaccines and predicting vaccine behaviour in humans.
Immune Response, Life-History Traits, Patho-Genesis Cycle, Route of Administration, Vaccine Development.
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