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Mapping of Soil Test-Based Spatial Fertilizer Recommendations for Paddy and Maize Using GIS, GPS and STCR Approaches in A Micro-Watershed of Karnataka, India

1 Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru 560 065, India., India
2 School of Soil Stress Management, National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Pune 413 115, India., India
3 ICAR-Indian Institute of Seed Science, Regional Station, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru 560 065, India., India

A case study was undertaken at the Honnavalli micro-watershed of Hassan district, Karnataka, India, to prepare digital maps for site-specific fertilizer recommendations for the major crops (paddy and maize) using STCR approach. The map shows that the recommended dose of N fertilizer for paddy is 148, 111, 82, 54, 26, –8, –67 and –108 kg ha–1 for the soil available N status 500 kg respectively. Similarly, for maize it is 290, 286, 283, 281, 279, 276, 268 and 259 kg ha–1 for 500 kg ha–1 respectively. Therefore, the study has implications on reducing consumption of fertilizers (24–45% for N; 12–15% for P and 8–32% for K), thereby reducing the cost of cultivation besides achieving higher nutrient use efficiency.


Fertilizer Recommendations, Micro-Watershed, Paddy, Maize, Soil Nutrients, Targeted Yield.
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  • Mapping of Soil Test-Based Spatial Fertilizer Recommendations for Paddy and Maize Using GIS, GPS and STCR Approaches in A Micro-Watershed of Karnataka, India

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Basavaraj Biradar
Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru 560 065, India., India
H. M. Jayadev
Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru 560 065, India., India
Hanamant M. Halli
School of Soil Stress Management, National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Pune 413 115, India., India
Manjanagouda S. Sannagoudar
ICAR-Indian Institute of Seed Science, Regional Station, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru 560 065, India., India


A case study was undertaken at the Honnavalli micro-watershed of Hassan district, Karnataka, India, to prepare digital maps for site-specific fertilizer recommendations for the major crops (paddy and maize) using STCR approach. The map shows that the recommended dose of N fertilizer for paddy is 148, 111, 82, 54, 26, –8, –67 and –108 kg ha–1 for the soil available N status 500 kg respectively. Similarly, for maize it is 290, 286, 283, 281, 279, 276, 268 and 259 kg ha–1 for 500 kg ha–1 respectively. Therefore, the study has implications on reducing consumption of fertilizers (24–45% for N; 12–15% for P and 8–32% for K), thereby reducing the cost of cultivation besides achieving higher nutrient use efficiency.


Fertilizer Recommendations, Micro-Watershed, Paddy, Maize, Soil Nutrients, Targeted Yield.
