Calcium Carbonate Activated Biomass-Derived Carbon: Insights on Characterization and Adsorption
Activated carbon made from coconut (Cocos nucifera) shells has the potential to be a valuable source for removing pollutants from wastewater. Recently, the use of calcium carbonate to activate carbon materials derived from agricultural waste has been gaining attention as an effective method for adsorption in wastewater treatment. In the present study, we have analysed the structural and functional properties of activated coconut shell biochar. Results show that calcium carbonate-activated carbon had a maximum adsorption capacity of 40.35 mg g–1 after 3 h of equilibrium when tested with 20 mg l–1 of malachite dye. The R2 value for this activated carbon was 0.822, and the best-fit model was determined to be pseudo-second-order kinetics, with intraparticle diffusion being the final rate-limiting step
Agricultural Waste, Calcium Carbonate Acti-Vation, Coconut Shell, Wastewater Treatment.
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