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Efficacy of Bio-Pesticide Beauveria Bassiana Against Kharsu Oak Stem and Wood Borer Xylotrechus basifuliginosus Heller, 1926 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Garhwal Region, Western Himalaya, India

1 Entomology Branch, Forest Protection Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun 248 006, India., India

Xylotrechus basifuliginosus is a secondary stem borer of stressed, weakened, and dying kharsu oak trees. Recently, it has been found to cause significant infestation in kharsu oak forests in Chakrata Forest Division, Dehradun district, Uttarakhand, India. The susceptibility of eggs and adult stages of X. basifuliginosus was tested against the entomopathogenic fungus, ‘TAG VERIA’ Beauveria bassiana (1 ´ 108 CFU/g minimum) under both laboratory and field conditions. B. bassiana was found to be effective against both stages (adults and eggs) of X. basifuliginosus. It caused 71.34% mortality in adults and 86% inhibition in the eggs after 12 days of exposure under laboratory conditions, and 38.4% mortality in adults under field conditions in the Deoban Reserve Forest, Chakrata Forest Division, suggesting it to be a promising bio-pesticide against this wood borer.


Beauveria bassiana, Biocontrol, Oak Trees, Mortality, Xylotrechus basifuliginosus.
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  • Efficacy of Bio-Pesticide Beauveria Bassiana Against Kharsu Oak Stem and Wood Borer Xylotrechus basifuliginosus Heller, 1926 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Garhwal Region, Western Himalaya, India

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Gaurav Chand Ramola
Entomology Branch, Forest Protection Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun 248 006, India., India
Arun Pratap Singh
Entomology Branch, Forest Protection Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun 248 006, India., India


Xylotrechus basifuliginosus is a secondary stem borer of stressed, weakened, and dying kharsu oak trees. Recently, it has been found to cause significant infestation in kharsu oak forests in Chakrata Forest Division, Dehradun district, Uttarakhand, India. The susceptibility of eggs and adult stages of X. basifuliginosus was tested against the entomopathogenic fungus, ‘TAG VERIA’ Beauveria bassiana (1 ´ 108 CFU/g minimum) under both laboratory and field conditions. B. bassiana was found to be effective against both stages (adults and eggs) of X. basifuliginosus. It caused 71.34% mortality in adults and 86% inhibition in the eggs after 12 days of exposure under laboratory conditions, and 38.4% mortality in adults under field conditions in the Deoban Reserve Forest, Chakrata Forest Division, suggesting it to be a promising bio-pesticide against this wood borer.


Beauveria bassiana, Biocontrol, Oak Trees, Mortality, Xylotrechus basifuliginosus.
