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Occurrences of High-K Calc-Alkaline Shoshonitic Granitoids in the Northeastern Part of Shillong Plateau, Meghalaya, India

1 Department of Earth Science, Assam University, Silchar 788 011, India

Shoshonitic rocks represent the transition between calc-alkaline and alkaline rocks, often formed during the last stages of uplift in zones of continental collision. This study describes the characterization of Kyrdem granitoids of Shillong plateau, Meghalaya, North East India, as felsic shoshonites. The study also documents petrogenesis of the shoshonites and suggests significant magma mixing and crust–mantle melt interaction as prime mechanisms for parental magma evolution. Crustal melt has most probably been sourced from a metabasaltic middle crust, while the mantle source is represented by an enriched sub-continental lithospheric mantle, metasomatized by sediment melt, during an earlier subduction event.


Calc-Alkaline Rocks, Continental Collision, Felsic Shoshonites, Geochemistry, Magma Evolution.
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  • Occurrences of High-K Calc-Alkaline Shoshonitic Granitoids in the Northeastern Part of Shillong Plateau, Meghalaya, India

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M. Faruque Hussain
Department of Earth Science, Assam University, Silchar 788 011, India
Debjani Choudhury
Department of Earth Science, Assam University, Silchar 788 011, India


Shoshonitic rocks represent the transition between calc-alkaline and alkaline rocks, often formed during the last stages of uplift in zones of continental collision. This study describes the characterization of Kyrdem granitoids of Shillong plateau, Meghalaya, North East India, as felsic shoshonites. The study also documents petrogenesis of the shoshonites and suggests significant magma mixing and crust–mantle melt interaction as prime mechanisms for parental magma evolution. Crustal melt has most probably been sourced from a metabasaltic middle crust, while the mantle source is represented by an enriched sub-continental lithospheric mantle, metasomatized by sediment melt, during an earlier subduction event.


Calc-Alkaline Rocks, Continental Collision, Felsic Shoshonites, Geochemistry, Magma Evolution.
