Maintaining Agricultural Sustainability through Carbon Footprint Management
Global awareness of climate change issues, particularly changes in air temperature, has increased dramatically over the last half a century. Concerns regarding ecosystem sustainability and human existence on Earth arise due to population expansion, rising surface temperatures and increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Agriculture accounts for approximately 18% of the total GHG emissions, largely in the form of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. As a result, limiting GHG emissions is critical to alleviating the consequences of climate change, which is attainable if the concept of carbon footprint is understood. Cereal production produces more GHG emissions than other farming methods, including vegetables and fruits. ‘Carbon footprint’ is a popular term in agriculture and environmental research due to its involvement in environmental impact assessments and global climate change. GHG emissions are influenced by changes in land use, soil type and agricultural management approaches. Therefore, it is important to consider how agricultural management practices, particularly those involving the soil and related systems, affect the relationships between photosynthesis and GHG emissions. This study deals with the concept of carbon footprint in agriculture and various mitigation measures for its management.
Agricultural Management, Carbon Footprint, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Soil Health.
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