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Preliminary Insights into the Impact between Photovoltaic Installations and Climate Change
Solar photovoltaic (PV) installations are growing exponentially globally, with a rising fraction of solar PVs in the renewable energy mix. Climate change is also expected to influence PV installations worldwide. Understanding the climate change impact on PV installations has been the scope of many recent studies. This article reviews recent studies on climate change impacts on PV installations based on the present scenario, and examines the effect of rising temperatures on the performance and service life of PV installations. On the contrary, PV installations may also cause an increase in the local ambient temperature. The impact of PV installations on the local and global climate is yet to be established. Comprehensive studies need to be undertaken to examine the impact between climate change and the performance of PV installations.
Ambient Temperature, Climate Change, Failure Probability, Performance and Service Life, Solar Photovoltaics.
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