Ancient megafloods of Mars: interpretations from MOM MCC data and hydrodynamic simulations
Recent studies have brought attention to the enormous megafloods and the considerable amount of water found on and beneath the surface of Mars. These ancient megafloods have not only carved out Martian surface, but also altered its climate. In the present study, ancient flooding of four Martian water channels (Mangala, Kasei, Ravi and Ma’adim) has been examined. The MCC dataset of MOM and MOLA-HRSC DEM were utilized to identify and estimate the hydraulic parameters of the channels. The estimated parameters were used in empirical equations to determine the flood velocity and discharge of Mangala (9.7 x 106 to 1 x 108 m3/sec), Ravi (6.5 x 107 to 9.6 x 108 m3/sec) and Ma’adim Valles (1.0 x 108 to 1.5 x 109 m3/sec). Estimated discharge magnitudes were in line with previous studies, except for Kasei Valles (2.6 x 108 to 5.3 x 109 m3/sec), where overestimation was observed. The two-dimensional simulations of full-bank floods were performed using the hydrodynamic model to generate scenarios of palaeomegafloods in the four valleys.
Ancient megafloods, hydraulic parameters, hydrodynamic model, Martian outflow channels
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