Relict Neoarchean Silico-Carbonatite from Elagiri Alkaline Complex, Southern Granulite Terrane, India
Here, we report the occurrence of relict Neoarchean silico-carbonatites from the Elagiri complex (12°31¢N: 78°35¢E), Southern Granulite Terrane, Indian Shield, where they occur within leucosyenites as enclaves. Trace elements suggest that the silico-carbonatites and leucosyenite are related through melting–crystallization episodes. U–Pb zircon ages from the silico-carbonatites yield two statistical peaks at ~2539 ± 9 Ma (~emplacement age) and ~2490 ± 15 Ma (~younger overprinting age). High Th/U ratios of zircon are consistent with magmatic crystallization. We suggest that silico-carbonatite generation was favoured by proto-plate subduction during the Neoarchean in this terrane.
Leucosyenite, magmatic crystallization, mantle melting, proto-plate subduction, relict silico-carbonatite.
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