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Gustav Klipping visits IIT Madras

1 Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22901, United States
2 Department of Physics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 92182, United States

This is a short historical note about the visit of G. Klipping of Fritz Haber Institute, Germany, to the low temperature physics laboratory of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M). During his visit in 1979, Klipping delivered a series of lectures on cryogenic practices and low temperature physics in the physics department. We both Master’s degree students at that time, with a specialization in cryogenics, attended these lectures arranged by R. Srinivasan, then head of the Low Temperature Laboratory, IIT-M. In this non-technical note, we attempt to portray the research philosophy and attitudes of Klipping as captured through many wise remarks and snippets which formed an integral part of his lectures. In the 1970–80s Klipping made invaluable contributions to the development of cryogenics research in India.


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  • Gustav Klipping visits IIT Madras

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Bellave S. Shivaram
Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22901, United States
Usha Sinha
Department of Physics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 92182, United States


This is a short historical note about the visit of G. Klipping of Fritz Haber Institute, Germany, to the low temperature physics laboratory of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M). During his visit in 1979, Klipping delivered a series of lectures on cryogenic practices and low temperature physics in the physics department. We both Master’s degree students at that time, with a specialization in cryogenics, attended these lectures arranged by R. Srinivasan, then head of the Low Temperature Laboratory, IIT-M. In this non-technical note, we attempt to portray the research philosophy and attitudes of Klipping as captured through many wise remarks and snippets which formed an integral part of his lectures. In the 1970–80s Klipping made invaluable contributions to the development of cryogenics research in India.


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