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Measuring Ecosystem Patterns and Processes through Fractals
Changes in ecosystems are highly complex, heterogeneous and are extremely difficult to measure through single scale. Fractal geometry has been used to quantitatively estimate the extent of irregularity in ecosystem changes. However, in some cases it has been overly used giving misleading results. To avoid this, other metrics are also being used in studying changes in forest ecosystems. In this article, we review use of fractal geometry in measuring ecosystem components in a range of ecological conditions. Further, case studies from forest fragmentation and soil aggregates stability in different Indian tropical ecosystems with respect to management practices and environmental change have been described using fractal dimension. We have tried to point out some instances where fractals can more appropriately be used in assessing ecosystems properties and where it could not be successfully used. Characterization of ecological situations where fractals can effectively be used in general remains an important issue.
Ecosystem Complexity, Ecosystem Patterns, Fractal Dimension, Landscape Change, Soil Processes.
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