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Quantum State Estimation Using Weak Measurements

1 Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, Manauli 140 306, India

We explore the possibility of using 'weak measurements' without 'weak value' for quantum state estimation. Since for weak measurements the disturbance caused during each measurement is small, we can rescue and recycle the state, unlike for the case of projective measurements. We use this property of weak measurements and design schemes for quantum state estimation for qubits and for Gaussian states. We show, via numerical simulations, that under certain circumstances, our method can outperform the estimation by projective measurements. It turns out that ensemble size plays an important role and the scheme based on recycling works better for small ensembles.


Fidelity, Gaussian State, Projective Measurement, Qubit, State Estimation, Weak Measurement.
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  • Quantum State Estimation Using Weak Measurements

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Debmalya Das
Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, Manauli 140 306, India
Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, Manauli 140 306, India


We explore the possibility of using 'weak measurements' without 'weak value' for quantum state estimation. Since for weak measurements the disturbance caused during each measurement is small, we can rescue and recycle the state, unlike for the case of projective measurements. We use this property of weak measurements and design schemes for quantum state estimation for qubits and for Gaussian states. We show, via numerical simulations, that under certain circumstances, our method can outperform the estimation by projective measurements. It turns out that ensemble size plays an important role and the scheme based on recycling works better for small ensembles.


Fidelity, Gaussian State, Projective Measurement, Qubit, State Estimation, Weak Measurement.
