Uncertainty Relation and Quantum Cheshire-Cat: Studied with Neutron Polarimeter and Interferometer
Fundamental phenomena in quantum mechanics are investigated by the use of matter-wave optics: in the studies neutron polarimeter and interferometer are exploited. Successive measurements of 1/2-spin of the neutron are carried out to test the error-disturbance uncertainty relation. The experimental results confirm the violation of Heisenberg's original reciprocal relation for measurement error and disturbance, and the validity of the reformulated generally valid relation. In addition, as an example of a counterfactual phenomenon of quantum mechanics, interferometric experiment is performed to observe the so-called quantum Cheshire-Cat: a particle and its magnetic moment travel through the interferometer along different beam paths. The results of our experiment suggest that, with suitable pre- and post-selections, neutrons travel along one of the arms of the interferometer, while their spin is located in the other arm.
Cheshire-Cat, Interferometer, Polarimeter, Neutron, Uncertainty Relation.
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