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Brief Summary of Latest Experimental Results with a Mass-Flow Calorimetry System for Anomalous Heat Effect of Nano-Composite Metals under D(H)-Gas Charging

1 Technova Inc., Tokyo 1000011, Japan
2 Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe 6580022, Japan

A mass-flow calorimetry system has been installed to investigate the excess power phenomenon at elevated temperatures. The first trial runs with a silica-included CuNi nano-composite sample (CNS) containing 4.1 g of Ni showed an implication of a few days lasting excess power of 5 W/g-Ni. Next, a CuNiZr oxide nanocomposite sample (CNZ4) containing 61 g of Ni has been examined to show excess power of 15 W lasting for 3 days and gradually increasing at a rate of 10 W per 3 weeks. Each corresponds to 30 eV/atom-Ni and 100 eV/atom-Ni, implying a nuclear origin of the excess energy.


Cu.Ni.ZrO2, Cu.Ni.Sio2, Excess, Oil-Cooling, 30–100 eV/atom-Ni.
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  • Brief Summary of Latest Experimental Results with a Mass-Flow Calorimetry System for Anomalous Heat Effect of Nano-Composite Metals under D(H)-Gas Charging

Abstract Views: 400  |  PDF Views: 138


A. Kitamura
Technova Inc., Tokyo 1000011, Japan
A. Takahashi
Technova Inc., Tokyo 1000011, Japan
R. Seto
Technova Inc., Tokyo 1000011, Japan
Y. Fujita
Technova Inc., Tokyo 1000011, Japan
A. Taniike
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe 6580022, Japan
Y. Furuyama
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe 6580022, Japan


A mass-flow calorimetry system has been installed to investigate the excess power phenomenon at elevated temperatures. The first trial runs with a silica-included CuNi nano-composite sample (CNS) containing 4.1 g of Ni showed an implication of a few days lasting excess power of 5 W/g-Ni. Next, a CuNiZr oxide nanocomposite sample (CNZ4) containing 61 g of Ni has been examined to show excess power of 15 W lasting for 3 days and gradually increasing at a rate of 10 W per 3 weeks. Each corresponds to 30 eV/atom-Ni and 100 eV/atom-Ni, implying a nuclear origin of the excess energy.


Cu.Ni.ZrO2, Cu.Ni.Sio2, Excess, Oil-Cooling, 30–100 eV/atom-Ni.