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Making a Case for Estimating Environmental Flow under Climate Change

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016, India

A case for incorporating requirements of water quality and water quantity under climate change in estimating environmental flow (Eflow) is presented. Despite the developments in Eflow assessment technologies worldwide, such studies are given little attention in practice. Eflow estimates for a given river stretch need to be modified accounting the present and future water availability. Water quality and water availability can be incorporated in Eflow estimations through an integrated water quality and hydrological modelling for any basin. This framework can be extended to simulate the future scenarios (quality and quantity) by inputting future precipitation and temperature projections from global climate models.
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  • Making a Case for Estimating Environmental Flow under Climate Change

Abstract Views: 451  |  PDF Views: 169


C. T. Dhanya
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016, India
Arun Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016, India


A case for incorporating requirements of water quality and water quantity under climate change in estimating environmental flow (Eflow) is presented. Despite the developments in Eflow assessment technologies worldwide, such studies are given little attention in practice. Eflow estimates for a given river stretch need to be modified accounting the present and future water availability. Water quality and water availability can be incorporated in Eflow estimations through an integrated water quality and hydrological modelling for any basin. This framework can be extended to simulate the future scenarios (quality and quantity) by inputting future precipitation and temperature projections from global climate models.