Abstract Views :167 |
1 ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi 682 018, IN
Current Science, Vol 126, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 169-176
The blue economy, encompassing sustainable utilization of coastal and oceanic resources, has gained global significance in the context of the developing discourse on economic growth and environmental conservation in ocean-based economies. This article delves into the multifaceted realm of India’s fisheries and coastal aquaculture sectors, exploring their status, challenges and prospects through the lens of the ‘blue growth’ narrative. Various enabling factors, such as technological advancements, governance improvements, market and policy incentives, and investment strategies are discussed that can catalyse a smooth transition of India’s marine capture fisheries and aquaculture to align with the blue developmental agenda.
Blue economy, coastal aquaculture, fisheries, governance perspective, sustainable development, technological advancements
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