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Internal Model Control Based PID Controller for Nonlinear Spherical Tank

1 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India
2 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India

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In process industry the control of liquid level is necessary. But for nonlinear system of process is complicated. In several process industries use spherical tank due to nonlinear shapes. Nonlinear systems may appear chaotic, irregular or counterintuitive, distinct with the much simpler linear systems. The spherical tank is tricky task owing to its nonlinear shapes and frequently changes cross-sectional area. This is due to the association between controlled variable level and manipulated variable flow rate, which has a square ischolar_main relationship. The main aim is to implement the appropriate controller for a spherical tank system to maintain the preferred level. In this paper, it is proposed to attain the response of PID, IMC and IMC based PID for spherical tank system and to learn the system by block diagram.


PID, IMC, IMC Based PID, MATLAB, Spherical Tank.
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  • Internal Model Control Based PID Controller for Nonlinear Spherical Tank

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G. M. Tamil Selvan
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India
A. V. Divya Priya
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India
K. M. Nandhini
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India


In process industry the control of liquid level is necessary. But for nonlinear system of process is complicated. In several process industries use spherical tank due to nonlinear shapes. Nonlinear systems may appear chaotic, irregular or counterintuitive, distinct with the much simpler linear systems. The spherical tank is tricky task owing to its nonlinear shapes and frequently changes cross-sectional area. This is due to the association between controlled variable level and manipulated variable flow rate, which has a square ischolar_main relationship. The main aim is to implement the appropriate controller for a spherical tank system to maintain the preferred level. In this paper, it is proposed to attain the response of PID, IMC and IMC based PID for spherical tank system and to learn the system by block diagram.


PID, IMC, IMC Based PID, MATLAB, Spherical Tank.
