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The Impact of Innovation Culture on Innovative Work Behavior in Junior High School’s Teacher

1 Gunadarma University, Jl. Margonda Raya No. 100, Pondok Cina, Depok 16424, Indonesia

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There has been a national anxiety about the lack of learner’s character. The lack of learner’s character because the digress of noble values Indonesia nation. Education is attempt to creating knowledge for learner and a good ethic so that learner have a good character. National education functions is to develop ability and character form. Teacher plays an important role to the success of learner. Innovative work behavior that displayed by teacher can be a key of success to achieving goals. Innovative culture can impact innovative work behavior. The research aims to find out the significance effect of innovative culture on innovative work behavior in junior high school’s teacher. Subject in this research are 70 junior high school’s teacher. To measure innovative culture used factor from Dobni (2008) and adapted by the author. To measure innovative work behavior using a scale developed by researcher based on dimension from Janssen (2000). This research used simple linier regression analysis technique. This result show that any significant effect between innovative culture on innovative work behavior in Junior High School’s teacher in the amount of 43, 8%.


Innovative Culture, Innovative Work Behavior, Junior High School’s Teacher.
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  • The Impact of Innovation Culture on Innovative Work Behavior in Junior High School’s Teacher

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Galih Mediana
Gunadarma University, Jl. Margonda Raya No. 100, Pondok Cina, Depok 16424, Indonesia


There has been a national anxiety about the lack of learner’s character. The lack of learner’s character because the digress of noble values Indonesia nation. Education is attempt to creating knowledge for learner and a good ethic so that learner have a good character. National education functions is to develop ability and character form. Teacher plays an important role to the success of learner. Innovative work behavior that displayed by teacher can be a key of success to achieving goals. Innovative culture can impact innovative work behavior. The research aims to find out the significance effect of innovative culture on innovative work behavior in junior high school’s teacher. Subject in this research are 70 junior high school’s teacher. To measure innovative culture used factor from Dobni (2008) and adapted by the author. To measure innovative work behavior using a scale developed by researcher based on dimension from Janssen (2000). This research used simple linier regression analysis technique. This result show that any significant effect between innovative culture on innovative work behavior in Junior High School’s teacher in the amount of 43, 8%.


Innovative Culture, Innovative Work Behavior, Junior High School’s Teacher.
