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Use of the PM Stepper Motor Drive System to Perform a Micro Stepping Control in Pathway of Head and Neck Swellings Removal Operation by Using Artificial Neural Networks

1 Electrical Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Egypt
2 Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transports, Alexandria, Egypt
3 Electrical Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Egypt
4 Suez Canal University, Egypt

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This work demonstrates the technique of micro stepping control in removal of head and neck exophytic lesion. It also helps to detect tumor position accurately by using Permanent Magnet stepper Motors (PMSM) using artificial neural network methods without injury to the adjacent structures. Estimation of dynamic load parameters i.e. moment of inertia and friction coefficient is necessary for accurate position control. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) used as a position controller seems to be promising solutions to achieve the required performance. In this study, the use of back propagation of neural network is proposed. The obtained simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed controller to ensure the required performance to the desired position. Objective of this work is to introduce a new concept in removal of head and neck lesions safely and accurately. Our target organs are nose, Para nasal sinuses, nasopharynx and larynx. Intracranial lesions need more research to be included in the future research.


Head and Neck Tumors, PM Stepper Motor, Artificial Neural Network, Pathway.
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Abstract Views: 523

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  • Use of the PM Stepper Motor Drive System to Perform a Micro Stepping Control in Pathway of Head and Neck Swellings Removal Operation by Using Artificial Neural Networks

Abstract Views: 523  |  PDF Views: 2


G. G. N. Gouid
Electrical Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Egypt
A. A. A. Nasser
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transports, Alexandria, Egypt
M. Z. Mostafa
Electrical Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Egypt
D. M. El-Hennawi
Suez Canal University, Egypt


This work demonstrates the technique of micro stepping control in removal of head and neck exophytic lesion. It also helps to detect tumor position accurately by using Permanent Magnet stepper Motors (PMSM) using artificial neural network methods without injury to the adjacent structures. Estimation of dynamic load parameters i.e. moment of inertia and friction coefficient is necessary for accurate position control. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) used as a position controller seems to be promising solutions to achieve the required performance. In this study, the use of back propagation of neural network is proposed. The obtained simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed controller to ensure the required performance to the desired position. Objective of this work is to introduce a new concept in removal of head and neck lesions safely and accurately. Our target organs are nose, Para nasal sinuses, nasopharynx and larynx. Intracranial lesions need more research to be included in the future research.


Head and Neck Tumors, PM Stepper Motor, Artificial Neural Network, Pathway.