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Review Paper on Anatomy of Big Data Computing

1 Department of Information Technology, Sankara College of Science and Commerce, India

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This paper discusses approaches and environments for carrying out a review on big data computing.  Big Data in Information technology is widely spread in several areas of business; engineering, medical and scientific studies are resulting in information and data explosion. Rapidly growing data are decision making and knowledge discovery are challenging task in data processing which is known as Big data computing. It demands a huge storage and computing for data duration and processing that could be delivered from on-premise or clouds infrastructures.

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  • Ishwarappa, Anuradha J,” A Brief Introduction on Big Data 5V’s Characteristics and Hadoop Technology”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence(ICCC-2015),
  • Sreedhar C, Dr. D. Kavitha, K. Asha Rani,” Big Data and Hadoop”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
  • bGazi University, Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey ,” Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of Big Data”, World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Sameera Siddiqui, Deepa Gupta. ” Big Data Process Analytics: A Survey”, International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology ISSN: 2278-9359 (Volume-3, Issue-7) July 2014.

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  • Review Paper on Anatomy of Big Data Computing

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V. Sangeetha
Department of Information Technology, Sankara College of Science and Commerce, India


This paper discusses approaches and environments for carrying out a review on big data computing.  Big Data in Information technology is widely spread in several areas of business; engineering, medical and scientific studies are resulting in information and data explosion. Rapidly growing data are decision making and knowledge discovery are challenging task in data processing which is known as Big data computing. It demands a huge storage and computing for data duration and processing that could be delivered from on-premise or clouds infrastructures.
