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Survey on Underwater Acoustic Noise
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In Underwater communication, underwater noise is the most important parameter. Reduce the effect of underwater noise is the biggest challenge in underwater communication. In this paper we see the different noises occur inside the water. This different noise occur at different frequency. Underwater noise is additive and Gaussian. At low frequency data is transfer over the long distance but the sound pressure level is high i.e.125 to 135 db. At this low frequency turbulent noise and ship noise is occur. This low frequency noise is generated by tank wall vibration, electrical pump, ground vibration, etc. At high frequency data is not transfer over long distance and sound pressure level is 100 to 115 db. At this high frequency wind and thermal noise is occur. This high frequency noise is generated by collapsing air bubbles, aeration and water pump action. In this way we will see how the noise is occur and which types of noise is occur inside the water.
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