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In Silico Identification of Genes, Coding Sequences for Iron Source and Drug Targets from Haemophilus Ducreyi

1 Department of Biotechnology, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode-637215, India

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Haemophilus ducreyi strain 35000HD is responsible for causing chancroid, one of the most common sexually transmitted disease prevailing globally. Although extensive researches are in progress in order to control the transmission of the disease and to develop drugs against the pathogen, till date no effective vaccine or specific drug are developed and only antibiotic treatment is in use. Due to excess use of antibiotics, several resistant strains such as Herpes simplex, chlamydia trachomatis virus have been found. In the present study, candidate drug and vaccine targets are identified from Haemophilus ducreyi virulent strain 35000HD using in silico subtractive genomics approach. Essential genes are responsible for virulence nature and support the growth of microorganism. 531 essential genes of Haemophilus ducreyi are expressed beneath in vivo. Out of 531 essential genes, 125 genes are identified as essential, 12 are iron source coding genes. These essential enzymes are found to be the potential drug targets from the host pathogen. From the identified proteins, Ferritin and transferrin are expected to be better possible drug targets. Screening of the functional inhibitors against these drug targets may result in discovery of novel therapeutic drugs that can be effective for the antibiotic resistant strains.


Haemophilus Ducreyi, Essential Genes, Genes Coding Iron Source, Candidate Vaccine Targets.
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  • In Silico Identification of Genes, Coding Sequences for Iron Source and Drug Targets from Haemophilus Ducreyi

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R. Padmapriya
Department of Biotechnology, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode-637215, India
Puniethaa Prabhu
Department of Biotechnology, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode-637215, India


Haemophilus ducreyi strain 35000HD is responsible for causing chancroid, one of the most common sexually transmitted disease prevailing globally. Although extensive researches are in progress in order to control the transmission of the disease and to develop drugs against the pathogen, till date no effective vaccine or specific drug are developed and only antibiotic treatment is in use. Due to excess use of antibiotics, several resistant strains such as Herpes simplex, chlamydia trachomatis virus have been found. In the present study, candidate drug and vaccine targets are identified from Haemophilus ducreyi virulent strain 35000HD using in silico subtractive genomics approach. Essential genes are responsible for virulence nature and support the growth of microorganism. 531 essential genes of Haemophilus ducreyi are expressed beneath in vivo. Out of 531 essential genes, 125 genes are identified as essential, 12 are iron source coding genes. These essential enzymes are found to be the potential drug targets from the host pathogen. From the identified proteins, Ferritin and transferrin are expected to be better possible drug targets. Screening of the functional inhibitors against these drug targets may result in discovery of novel therapeutic drugs that can be effective for the antibiotic resistant strains.


Haemophilus Ducreyi, Essential Genes, Genes Coding Iron Source, Candidate Vaccine Targets.