Closed Loop Control of Interleaved High Step up Converter for Sustainable Energy Applications
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The grid-connected systems employing Photovoltaic and fuel cells call for high step- up dc/dc topologies. Large voltage conversion ratio with ten times voltage gain is mandatory for the front-end dc/dc converters. In this paper, the built-in transformer multiplier cell is inserted into each phase of the conventional interleaved boost converter. The voltage multiplier cell is composed by the built-in transformer windings, diodes and capacitors. Additional active switches are not required to simplify the circuit configuration. Moreover, the switch voltage stress and the diode peak current are also minimized and reverse recovery problem of the diodes can be minimised. In addition, the switch turn-off voltage spikes are suppressed effectively by zero current switch (ZCS) turn-on across the switches, which can enhance the reliability. To study the performance of the high step up Interleaved boost converter with closed loop, simulations has been carried out in MATLAB 2013 environment. The waveforms agreed with the operating principles and the steady-state analysis.

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