Image Encryption Using Development of 1D Chaotic Maps
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In this paper an efficient approach for image encryption is presented based on feedback stream cipher using a developed chaotic maps. It consists of two modules; first the encryption module which encrypts the plain image pixel-by-pixel by using external secret key 256-bit, taking into consideration the previous values of the encrypted pixels obtained in each iteration. The second module is decryption module which decrypts the cipher image pixel by pixel to retrieve the plain image using the same key which is used in encryption. Decryption module is typical to the encryption module except the pad (session key) in this case is unmerged. The proposed algorithm can be performed using many logistic maps. We here use 1D maps such as Bernoulli map, Logistic map, and other three developed maps. The proposed algorithm using developed Bernoulli map has achieved the best results among all other maps used in the proposed algorithm. It has many useful advantages as the range of the variable r is increased, and the feedback property. Several encryption metrics is applied to judge the proposed algorithm such as statistical analysis, differential analysis, and key sensitivity tests. The proposed algorithm is compared with RC6 algorithm. Experiments and results verify and prove that the proposed algorithm using the developed Bernoulli map is highly secure from the cryptographic viewpoint, more immune to noise, has higher entropy, and has higher sensitivity. The results of security analysis show that the proposed algorithm is secure and efficient in real-time image applications.

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