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Segmentation and Classification of Breast Cancer Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology Images

1 Electronics and Communication Department, Yeshwantraof Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
2 Electronics and Communication Department, Yeshwantra of Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India

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The proposed system efficiently predicts breast tumour from microscopic cytology images through image processing techniques coupled with support vector machine (SVM) classifier as either benign or malignant. The breast cytology image is denoised using non-linear Anisotropic diffusion method to remove random noise prevalent in cytology images. In the cytology images only nucleus is the region of interest for the detection of breast cancer. Hence, all the nuclei in the cytology image are segmented using seeded region growing (SRG) method. Geometric features of every cell nuclei are extracted. These features are then used in conjunction with SVMs that classifies breast tumour as cancerous or non-cancerous. The proposed system implemented on MATLAB takes less than 1 minutes of processing time and has yielded promising results that would supplement in the diagnosis of breast cancer.


Segmentation, Region Growing, SVM Cytological Breast Cancer Detection.
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  • Segmentation and Classification of Breast Cancer Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology Images

Abstract Views: 282  |  PDF Views: 3


Amoli D. Belsare
Electronics and Communication Department, Yeshwantraof Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Bhupendra S. Deshmukh
Electronics and Communication Department, Yeshwantra of Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India


The proposed system efficiently predicts breast tumour from microscopic cytology images through image processing techniques coupled with support vector machine (SVM) classifier as either benign or malignant. The breast cytology image is denoised using non-linear Anisotropic diffusion method to remove random noise prevalent in cytology images. In the cytology images only nucleus is the region of interest for the detection of breast cancer. Hence, all the nuclei in the cytology image are segmented using seeded region growing (SRG) method. Geometric features of every cell nuclei are extracted. These features are then used in conjunction with SVMs that classifies breast tumour as cancerous or non-cancerous. The proposed system implemented on MATLAB takes less than 1 minutes of processing time and has yielded promising results that would supplement in the diagnosis of breast cancer.


Segmentation, Region Growing, SVM Cytological Breast Cancer Detection.