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Automation in Small Scale Biomass Gasifier

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur-613403, Tamilnadu, India

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Biomass gasifiers have found a promising place in renewable energy resource field. Even then, these gasifiers are facing lots of practical difficulties on operational effectiveness due to shortage of man power. So small scale biomass gasifier is fabricate and further the fuel feeding system and switching functions (On/Off Operations) are also changed by means of automation. Bucket conveyors are used to feed the fuel from the reservoir to the pre-storage chamber. The fuel will be fed in equal intervals of time to maintain constant level of fuel in the reactor. The level of the fuel in pre-storage chamber can be checked by means of level sensors. Ignition of the gasifier is also automated using a special ignition set up. All these automations are achieved by using microcontrollers, sensors and limit switches.


Biomass Gasifier, Automation, Conveyor, Microcontrollers.
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  • Automation in Small Scale Biomass Gasifier

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D. Ajay Abilash
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur-613403, Tamilnadu, India


Biomass gasifiers have found a promising place in renewable energy resource field. Even then, these gasifiers are facing lots of practical difficulties on operational effectiveness due to shortage of man power. So small scale biomass gasifier is fabricate and further the fuel feeding system and switching functions (On/Off Operations) are also changed by means of automation. Bucket conveyors are used to feed the fuel from the reservoir to the pre-storage chamber. The fuel will be fed in equal intervals of time to maintain constant level of fuel in the reactor. The level of the fuel in pre-storage chamber can be checked by means of level sensors. Ignition of the gasifier is also automated using a special ignition set up. All these automations are achieved by using microcontrollers, sensors and limit switches.


Biomass Gasifier, Automation, Conveyor, Microcontrollers.