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Knowledge Extraction Technique from Web Documents Using Domain Ontologies for Decision Support

1 Department of CSE, Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University, Chennai-62, India
2 Department of CSE, Dr. MGR University, Chennai, India
3 Department of CSE, Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University, Chennai, India

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The Semantic Web aims to extend the existing Web with conceptual metadata that are more accessible to machines and thereby more effectively communicate the proposed meaning of Web resources. We need efficient ways to access and extract knowledge from Web documents in order to make  the Semantic Web to life and provide advanced knowledge services. Specialized knowledge services therefore require tools that can search and extract specific knowledge directly from unstructured text on the Web, guided by an ontology that details what type of knowledge to harvest. This paper links acknowledge-extraction tool   with ontology to achieve continuous knowledge support and guide information extraction. The extraction tool is applied onto web documents and extracts knowledge that matches the given Web Query. Knowledge extraction is further enhanced using a lexicon-based term expansion mechanism that provides extended ontology terminology. It provides this knowledge in an XML format that will be automatically maintained in knowledge base (KB). This knowledge base can be used for further inferences (i.e.) to produce a narrative generation. The user interface is designed in such a manner that it receives the relevant interests of the user and the ontology aware query.


Ontology, Knowledge Extraction, Web Page Annotations, Semantic Web, Web Search.
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  • Knowledge Extraction Technique from Web Documents Using Domain Ontologies for Decision Support

Abstract Views: 261  |  PDF Views: 2


S. Koteeswaran
Department of CSE, Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University, Chennai-62, India
J. Janet
Department of CSE, Dr. MGR University, Chennai, India
P. Visu
Department of CSE, Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University, Chennai, India


The Semantic Web aims to extend the existing Web with conceptual metadata that are more accessible to machines and thereby more effectively communicate the proposed meaning of Web resources. We need efficient ways to access and extract knowledge from Web documents in order to make  the Semantic Web to life and provide advanced knowledge services. Specialized knowledge services therefore require tools that can search and extract specific knowledge directly from unstructured text on the Web, guided by an ontology that details what type of knowledge to harvest. This paper links acknowledge-extraction tool   with ontology to achieve continuous knowledge support and guide information extraction. The extraction tool is applied onto web documents and extracts knowledge that matches the given Web Query. Knowledge extraction is further enhanced using a lexicon-based term expansion mechanism that provides extended ontology terminology. It provides this knowledge in an XML format that will be automatically maintained in knowledge base (KB). This knowledge base can be used for further inferences (i.e.) to produce a narrative generation. The user interface is designed in such a manner that it receives the relevant interests of the user and the ontology aware query.


Ontology, Knowledge Extraction, Web Page Annotations, Semantic Web, Web Search.