Message Transmission Using UMB Protocol in Urban Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
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Emerging research works of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) has a major problems of message redundancy and message transmission delay during active communication, this issue has been overcome by introducing a new protocol namely Urban Multi-hop Broadcast Protocol (UMBP). In this paper, UMBP includes a novel forwarding node selection scheme that utilizes iterative partition, mini-slot, and black-burst to quickly select remote neighboring nodes, and a single forwarding node is successfully chosen by the asynchronous contention among them. Then, bidirectional broadcast, multi-directional broadcast, and directional broadcast are designed according to the positions of the emergency message senders. The information during the emergency situations like accidents, traffic jams can be computed by road-side nodes and then broadcasted to road users for optimized multi-hop packet transmission in the communication network. In addition, the weather report is continuously sent to the vehicle via road side unit. In this work, better performance has been obtained using UMBP than the existing system namely Profile-driven Adaptive Warning Dissemination Scheme (PAWDS). In the proposed scheme, it has been tested and analyzed several parameters namely, delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio using Network Simulator-2 (NS-2).

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