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Cryptosystem for Secured Medical Data Sharing Using Block Chain Technology

1 Department of CSE, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India

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An electronic version of a patient‟s medical data is known as Electronic Health Records. EHR‟s are stored independently in each hospital, so the e-medical records are accessible only to the doctors within that hospital and there is no link between different hospitals, so the patient‟s details cannot be shared. So, we have proposed Block chain technology which is a distributed approach to grant security in accessing the medical report of a patient. However, most existing medical data sharing schemes have security risks, such as being prone to data tampering and forgery, and do not support the ability to verify the authenticity of the data source. To solve these problems, we propose a medical data sharing scheme based on some encryption techniques and block chain technology in this paper. To make data accessible from anywhere, cloud storage services are utilized in this proposed system and e medical reports are stored in an encrypted format in the cloud to prevent security threats from any third party. Finally, results of the analysis show that our scheme satisfies the requirements for confidentiality and unforgeability in the random oracle model, and that the proposed scheme offers higher computational performance than other similar schemes.


Block Chain, Electronic Medical Data, Security, Privacy, Encryption, Confidentiality
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  • Cryptosystem for Secured Medical Data Sharing Using Block Chain Technology

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N Supritha
Department of CSE, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
K Soundarya
Department of CSE, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
K Simran Gill
Department of CSE, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
S R Vani
Department of CSE, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
R Sheethal
Department of CSE, East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India


An electronic version of a patient‟s medical data is known as Electronic Health Records. EHR‟s are stored independently in each hospital, so the e-medical records are accessible only to the doctors within that hospital and there is no link between different hospitals, so the patient‟s details cannot be shared. So, we have proposed Block chain technology which is a distributed approach to grant security in accessing the medical report of a patient. However, most existing medical data sharing schemes have security risks, such as being prone to data tampering and forgery, and do not support the ability to verify the authenticity of the data source. To solve these problems, we propose a medical data sharing scheme based on some encryption techniques and block chain technology in this paper. To make data accessible from anywhere, cloud storage services are utilized in this proposed system and e medical reports are stored in an encrypted format in the cloud to prevent security threats from any third party. Finally, results of the analysis show that our scheme satisfies the requirements for confidentiality and unforgeability in the random oracle model, and that the proposed scheme offers higher computational performance than other similar schemes.


Block Chain, Electronic Medical Data, Security, Privacy, Encryption, Confidentiality
