Impact of Higher-Order Dispersion and Phase Modulation on the Performance of alCNRZ Modulation for OWDM/DWDM
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There are several factors and technological issues suchas fiber nonlinearity and dispersion which are responsible fordegrading the performance of a system. There must be some way outto transmit an error-free signal over a certain distance. Thus themodulation format plays a very significant role in the overall systemperformance in communication technology. The choice of optimummodulation format has always been a challenging task because thereis no fixed criterion available for it. This has inspired us to study andanalyze all these aspects of modulation formats in OWDM/DWDM.In this paper, we have analytically evaluated the effect of higherorder dispersion and phase modulation on Alternate Chirp NRZ(alCNRZ)) modulation format. We have mathematically evaluatedthe output electric field in the presence of higher order dispersion andphase modulation index. Their results are also presented analyticallywith first, second, third and fourth order dispersion compensation aswell as for different values of phase modulation indexes in order topresent a signal which can be transmitted throughout its path withoutany degradation in its quality and quantity.

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