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Optimization of Fuzzy based PD Controller


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A Proportional Integral derivative controller is a most commonly used feedback controller in industrial control system. Although a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is popular and relatively simple in structure, it must also be pointed out that the unnecessary mathematical rigorosity, preciseness and accuracy involved with the design of the controllers have been a major drawback. This drawback can be highly eliminated by designing systems with PD controller to improve the system performance. In this paper genetic algorithm technique is used to design the Proportional Derivative Fuzzy logic controller. A comparative study of PD, fuzzy based PD and optimized fuzzy logic PD controller is analyzed. Simulation result shows that the optimized proportional derivative fuzzy logic controller improves the system performance in terms of rise time and settling time, besides reducing overshoot and steady state error. This approach is first simulated using MATLAB / SIMULINK using the techniques of PD- Fuzzy Logic controller. The output of the PD controller serves as an input to the DC motor [9][10]. The desired speed of the motor is then achieved by tuning the fuzzy controller with the help of genetic algorithm technique.


Control, PD Control, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, DC Motor.
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  • Optimization of Fuzzy based PD Controller

Abstract Views: 277  |  PDF Views: 3



A Proportional Integral derivative controller is a most commonly used feedback controller in industrial control system. Although a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is popular and relatively simple in structure, it must also be pointed out that the unnecessary mathematical rigorosity, preciseness and accuracy involved with the design of the controllers have been a major drawback. This drawback can be highly eliminated by designing systems with PD controller to improve the system performance. In this paper genetic algorithm technique is used to design the Proportional Derivative Fuzzy logic controller. A comparative study of PD, fuzzy based PD and optimized fuzzy logic PD controller is analyzed. Simulation result shows that the optimized proportional derivative fuzzy logic controller improves the system performance in terms of rise time and settling time, besides reducing overshoot and steady state error. This approach is first simulated using MATLAB / SIMULINK using the techniques of PD- Fuzzy Logic controller. The output of the PD controller serves as an input to the DC motor [9][10]. The desired speed of the motor is then achieved by tuning the fuzzy controller with the help of genetic algorithm technique.


Control, PD Control, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, DC Motor.