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Literature Survey on Different Cloud Computing Infrastructure-as-a-Service Frameworks

1 Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India
2 Department of Information Technology, Pune Institute of computer Technology, Pune, India

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Now a days, we have number of cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) frameworks. The thorough function of these systems is the management of virtual machines for a cloud which provides IaaS. All these open source platforms provide an alternative solution for those who do not wants to use a service provided by commercial cloud service providers. Cloud actors like users, administrators and developers have to take decision about suitable environment for them.

Unfortunately, comparing these cloud frameworks is difficult task, because there may be possibility that the users are comparing the performance of such platforms on different resources, which make it difficult to get desired comparisons. This paper helps in making comparison of IaaS frameworks. Paper begins with a prologue to different cloud administrations viz. PaaS, IaaS, SaaS and need of these services. Then we present a comparison of various existing cloud IaaS platforms.


IaaS, Openstack, PaaS, SaaS.
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  • Literature Survey on Different Cloud Computing Infrastructure-as-a-Service Frameworks

Abstract Views: 259  |  PDF Views: 3


Yogesh V. Jilhawar
Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India
M. Emmanuel
Department of Information Technology, Pune Institute of computer Technology, Pune, India


Now a days, we have number of cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) frameworks. The thorough function of these systems is the management of virtual machines for a cloud which provides IaaS. All these open source platforms provide an alternative solution for those who do not wants to use a service provided by commercial cloud service providers. Cloud actors like users, administrators and developers have to take decision about suitable environment for them.

Unfortunately, comparing these cloud frameworks is difficult task, because there may be possibility that the users are comparing the performance of such platforms on different resources, which make it difficult to get desired comparisons. This paper helps in making comparison of IaaS frameworks. Paper begins with a prologue to different cloud administrations viz. PaaS, IaaS, SaaS and need of these services. Then we present a comparison of various existing cloud IaaS platforms.


IaaS, Openstack, PaaS, SaaS.