Space Wave Optical Fixed Link and Data Communication Services in Rural Environments
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Atmospheric disturbance has a significant impact on the level of excellence of a laser beam propagating through an atmosphere over long distances. This paper investigates terrestrial atmospheric WOC communication systems operating under the influence of beam spreading of optical signal using NRZ and RZ-the modulation schemes used for the calculations of received optical signal. The turbulent optically pre-amplified NRZ/RZ modulations WOC receiver employing process of making whole or entire over a time slot and comparing the outcomes to select the largest slot of optical communication system and on analysis it has been seen that it gives a better results under normal and rainfall conditions. The results include Q-Factor and BER for different bit rates and different atmospheric conditions. The maximum distance travelled is under normal atmospheric condition where the attenuation is minimum. The Q-factor=7.33047 and BER=1.128e-013 is achieved in normal condition with distance travelled is nearly 3 kilometers and data rate transmitted is 20 Gbps and under extreme conditions i.e. fog the Q-factor=18.2925 and BER=4.363e-075 in normal condition with distance travelled is nearly 2.5 kilometers and data rate is 30 Gbps.
Space Wave Optical (SWO), BER, Laser.
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