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Virtualization:A Foundation for Cloud Computing

1 Center of Excellence High Performance Computing, University of Calabria, Italy
2 University of Calabria, Italy

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This paper review on the cloud computing technology. The virtualization is major concern in the clouds. The virtualization using different hypervisors such as Xen, KVM and Danali are described. The overview on the current cloud providers and ongoing open source research activities are described. The analysis of cost of investment and savings due to virtualization, makes it very important for many business policies. The saving and its relation with clouds is done using apcmedia tool. The positive results are very interesting and motivating to find out relation between cloud computing and green computing. The results are fine indication that, the cloud computing moving towards the green computing.


Cloud Computing, Green Computing, Virtualization, Xen.
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  • Virtualization:A Foundation for Cloud Computing

Abstract Views: 290  |  PDF Views: 4


Manoj Devare
Center of Excellence High Performance Computing, University of Calabria, Italy
Mehdi Sheikhalishahi
University of Calabria, Italy
Lucio Grandinetti
University of Calabria, Italy


This paper review on the cloud computing technology. The virtualization is major concern in the clouds. The virtualization using different hypervisors such as Xen, KVM and Danali are described. The overview on the current cloud providers and ongoing open source research activities are described. The analysis of cost of investment and savings due to virtualization, makes it very important for many business policies. The saving and its relation with clouds is done using apcmedia tool. The positive results are very interesting and motivating to find out relation between cloud computing and green computing. The results are fine indication that, the cloud computing moving towards the green computing.


Cloud Computing, Green Computing, Virtualization, Xen.