Voltage Sag Mitigation Technique Using DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer)
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Present scenario of the world is troubling with the power quality measures.to reduce it many fact devices introduced. This paper describes the problem of voltage sags and swells and its severe impact on nonlinear loads or sensitive loads. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) has become popular as a cost effective solution for the protection of sensitive loads from voltage sags and swells. It first analyzes the power circuit of a DVR system in order to come up with appropriate control limitations and control targets for the compensation voltage control. The proposed control scheme is simple to design. In this paper we also analyze the two faulted distribution line in which one will go on as faulted and other will go on with mitigated by DVR and result analysis will be showing with the help of MATLAB SIMULATION. And the graph between GTO and MOSFET also will be analyzed under same simulation. Simulation results carried out by MATLAB verify the performance of the proposed method.

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