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Survey on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
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RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. RFID which is used to identify the person or objects using a radio frequency waves. RFID system which is emerging technology in various application. It is identified, tracked, and managed automatically, with its wide application in the automobile assembly industry, warehouse management and the supply chain network; RFID are recognized as the next promising technology in serving the positioning purpose. A RFID system consists of RFID Tags; which Tag is a Transponders and RFID Readers which is an inquisitor; readers that communicate with the tags in their transmission ranges or with radio signals. This paper provides the overview of RFID technology, RFID applications and survey about RFID components, i.e. the tag, antenna and reader.
RFID Working Principle, Tags, Reader, RFID Hi Tech, Factors, Utilization.
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