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Transformer Monitoring Using IoT

1 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, India

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Transformers are one of the most important equipment in power network.  Hence maintenance of transformer is mandatory; as they are located at different geographical areas periodical monitor is not possible all the time due to insufficient manpower. Due to this reason transformer failure may occur which leads to unexpected power shutdown. The main aim of the system is Transformer monitoring and controlling through IoT. Our project is to monitor and check oil level, temperature, voltage current and vibration without involving manpower. If any fault occurs the SMS will be sent to the mobile phones about the deviation according to some predefined instructions programmed in the microcontroller.


Transformers, Sensor, GSM, ARDUINO UNO.
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  • A. P.Khandait,Swapnil Kadaskar, Girish thakare”Real time monitoring of transformer using IoT” international journal of engineering research and technology (IJART),ISSN-22780181 vol-6 issue 03,march-2017.
  • Ravishankar Tularam Zanzad, Prof. Nikita Umare, Prof. Gajanan Patle M. E. Student, Dept. of CSE, AGPCE, Nagpur University, India.” ZIGBEE Wireless Transformer Monitoring, Protection and Control System” Vol. 4, Issue 2, February 2016
  • P.Mercy1, N.Uma Maheswari2, S.Deepika Devi3, V.Dhamodharan4 1Assistant Professor/EEE, INFO Institute of Engineering,” Wireless Protection and Monitoring of Power Transformer using PIC INDIA 2UG - IJCSMC, Vol. 4, Issue. 3, March 2015, pg.634 – 640.
  • Rakesh kumar pandey,Dilip kumar academic and consultancy services division,”Distribution Transformer Monitering System Based on Zigbee Technology”international journal of engineering trends and technology(IJETT)-volume4, issue.5 MAY-2013.
  • Woo- hyun park,yun-gyung cheong” IoT smart bell notification system”college of information and communication engineering, sungkyunkwan university,korea college of software,sungkyunkwan university,korea.
  • A.P.Khandait,Swapnil Kadaskar, Girish thakare”Real time monitoring of transformer using IoT” international journal of engineering research and technology (IJART),ISSN-22780181 vol-6 issue 03,march-2017.
  • Ravishankar Tularam Zanzad, Prof. Nikita Umare, Prof. Gajanan Patle M. E. Student, Dept. of CSE, AGPCE, Nagpur University, India.” ZIGBEE Wireless Transformer Monitoring, Protection and Control System” Vol. 4, Issue 2, February 2016
  • P.Mercy1, N.Uma Maheswari2, S.Deepika Devi3, V.Dhamodharan4 1Assistant Professor/EEE, INFO Institute of Engineering,” Wireless Protection and Monitoring of Power Transformer using PIC INDIA 2UG - IJCSMC, Vol. 4, Issue. 3, March 2015, pg.634 – 640.
  • Rakesh kumar pandey,Dilip kumar academic and consultancy services division,”Distribution Transformer Monitering System Based on Zigbee Technology”international journal of engineering trends and technology(IJETT)-volume4, issue.5 MAY-2013.
  • Woo- hyun park,yun-gyung cheong” IoT smart bell notification system”college of information and communication engineering, sungkyunkwan university,korea college of software,sungkyunkwan university, Korea.

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  • Transformer Monitoring Using IoT

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D. Abbinaiya
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, India
A. Nirujha
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, India
A. Sowmya
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, India
A. Vijayadevi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, India


Transformers are one of the most important equipment in power network.  Hence maintenance of transformer is mandatory; as they are located at different geographical areas periodical monitor is not possible all the time due to insufficient manpower. Due to this reason transformer failure may occur which leads to unexpected power shutdown. The main aim of the system is Transformer monitoring and controlling through IoT. Our project is to monitor and check oil level, temperature, voltage current and vibration without involving manpower. If any fault occurs the SMS will be sent to the mobile phones about the deviation according to some predefined instructions programmed in the microcontroller.


Transformers, Sensor, GSM, ARDUINO UNO.
