Distance Calculation for Underground Cable Fault
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Music mood describes the inherent emotional expression of a music clip. It is helpful in music understanding, music retrieval, and some other music-related applications. In this paper, a hierarchical framework is presented to automate the task of mood detection from acoustic music data, by following some music psychological theories in western cultures. The hierarchical framework has the advantage of emphasizing the most suitable features in different detection tasks. Three feature sets, including intensity, timbre, and rhythm are extracted to represent the characteristics of a music clip (the intensity feature set is represented by the energy in each sub band, the timbre feature set is composed of the spectral shape features and spectral contrast features, and the rhythm feature set indicates three aspects that are closely related with an individual's mood response, including rhythm strength, rhythm regularity, and tempo. Furthermore, since mood is usually changeable in an entire piece of classical music, the approach to mood detection is extended to mood tracking for a music piece, by dividing the music into several independent segments, each of which contains a homogeneous emotional expression.
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