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Smart Mobility based Transit Management System

1 Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore – 641 202, India

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GPS is one of the technologies that are used in a huge number of applications today. One of the applications is tracking your vehicle and keeps regular monitoring on them. This system uses GPS and GSM technologies. The level of petrol consumed and CO2 level is also monitored using the Fuel level sensor and CO2 sensor. The paper includes the hardware part which comprises of GPS, GSM, Atmega microcontroller MAX 232, Accelerometer sensor, CO2 sensor, 16x2 LCD and ESP8266 module is used to interface the microcontroller to the App.


Arduino Microcontroller, Accelerometer Sensor, CO2 Sensor, 16*2 LCD Display, GSM, GPS, Speedometer, Eye Sensor, Alcohol Sensor.
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  • Smart Mobility based Transit Management System

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J. Vishnu Priya
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore – 641 202, India
L. K. Sachin
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore – 641 202, India
T. Dharani
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore – 641 202, India
S. Divya
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore – 641 202, India


GPS is one of the technologies that are used in a huge number of applications today. One of the applications is tracking your vehicle and keeps regular monitoring on them. This system uses GPS and GSM technologies. The level of petrol consumed and CO2 level is also monitored using the Fuel level sensor and CO2 sensor. The paper includes the hardware part which comprises of GPS, GSM, Atmega microcontroller MAX 232, Accelerometer sensor, CO2 sensor, 16x2 LCD and ESP8266 module is used to interface the microcontroller to the App.


Arduino Microcontroller, Accelerometer Sensor, CO2 Sensor, 16*2 LCD Display, GSM, GPS, Speedometer, Eye Sensor, Alcohol Sensor.
