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Performance Analysis of Route Discovery Model Based on RSS
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Recently wireless communication devices have increased and therefore it has created the need for developing new technologies. The growing number of users wants to communicate with each other anywhere and anytime without relying on any existing infrastructure or centralized access point. A Wireless Ad-hoc NETwork (WANET) or Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET) has no centralized control, no topology and is infrastructure-less. In MANET few nodes come together to form network. Even if the source and the destination nodes will not be in direct communication range, still they connected to each other with multi-hop scenarios. In such network many nodes may join or leave in real networks. In this paper an efficient route discovery algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes which are randomly moving in the free space are considered. Calculating and analyzing the relationship of RSS with the changing node distance scenarios for different protocols is studied. The focus will be given on the simulation and analysis of the behavior of routing protocols for MANETS. The results show that denser the network grows the hopping is reduced whereas the path success rate is increased.
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- R. S. Mangrulkar, Dr. Mohammad Atique Reseach Scholar, S.G.B.A.U, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, B.D.College of Engineering, Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra, India Associate Professor, P.G. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.G.B.A.U Amravati, Maharashtra, India rsmangrulkar@gmail.com, mohd.atique@gmail.com “Trust Based Secured Adhoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Network “
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- Brad Williams, Tracy Camp Department of Math and Computer Science Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO80401 email: {bwilliam,tcamp}@mines.edu URL: http://toilers.mines.edu 15 March 2002 ”Comparison of Broadcasting Techniques for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”.
- Abderezak Touzene, Ishaq Al-Yahyai Department of Computer Science Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, OMAN touzene, m024178@squ.edu.om ”Performance Analysis of a Grid Based Route Discovery in AODV Routing Algorithm for MANET” 2014 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation.
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