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Band Notched Circular Ultra Wideband Monopole Antenna Using Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure

1 Department of Electronics and Electrical Comm. Eng., Menouf 32952, Menoufia University, Egypt
2 Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Comm. Eng., Menouf 32952, Menoufia University, Egypt
3 Kafr ElShiekh University, Egypt

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In this paper, circular band notched Ultra Wide Band [UWB] monopole antenna excited through microstrip line using mushroom like Electro-Magnetic Band Gap [EBG] was developed and examined. Two Electro-Magnetic Band Gaps [EBGs] are loaded besides the microstrip line. The conclusion of changing EBG dimensions, and gap between EBG and feed line, on the band notched frequency was also examined. A notched frequency of 5.28 GHz is obtained when the two square EBGs are used with length, W=7 mm, and gap between EBG and line, g= 0.5 mm. Different frequency notches can be obtained through changing the EBG length. Finite Element Method (FEM) and Finite Integration Technique (FIT) are hired to simulate the proposed antenna structure using High Frequency Structure Simulator HFSS and Computer Simulation Technology CST respectively. Very good agreement between both results has been obtained. The antenna with EBG has a directive radiation pattern in E-plane and omnidirectional pattern in H-plane. Also the gain is suppressed in the notched frequency.


Band Notch, Computer Aided Design CAD, CST, EBG, FCC, FEM, FIT, HFSS, Microstrip Line, Numerical Technique, PBG, Planar Monopole Antenna, Resonate Frequency, Tunable, UWB.
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  • Band Notched Circular Ultra Wideband Monopole Antenna Using Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure

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Ahmed S. Elkorany
Department of Electronics and Electrical Comm. Eng., Menouf 32952, Menoufia University, Egypt
Sammar A. Saad
Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Comm. Eng., Menouf 32952, Menoufia University, Egypt
Said M. Elhalafawy
Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Comm. Eng., Menouf 32952, Menoufia University, Egypt
Demyana A. Saleeb
Kafr ElShiekh University, Egypt


In this paper, circular band notched Ultra Wide Band [UWB] monopole antenna excited through microstrip line using mushroom like Electro-Magnetic Band Gap [EBG] was developed and examined. Two Electro-Magnetic Band Gaps [EBGs] are loaded besides the microstrip line. The conclusion of changing EBG dimensions, and gap between EBG and feed line, on the band notched frequency was also examined. A notched frequency of 5.28 GHz is obtained when the two square EBGs are used with length, W=7 mm, and gap between EBG and line, g= 0.5 mm. Different frequency notches can be obtained through changing the EBG length. Finite Element Method (FEM) and Finite Integration Technique (FIT) are hired to simulate the proposed antenna structure using High Frequency Structure Simulator HFSS and Computer Simulation Technology CST respectively. Very good agreement between both results has been obtained. The antenna with EBG has a directive radiation pattern in E-plane and omnidirectional pattern in H-plane. Also the gain is suppressed in the notched frequency.


Band Notch, Computer Aided Design CAD, CST, EBG, FCC, FEM, FIT, HFSS, Microstrip Line, Numerical Technique, PBG, Planar Monopole Antenna, Resonate Frequency, Tunable, UWB.
