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Internet of Things with Wireless Sensor Network

1 School of Computer Science and Applications, Reva University, Bangalore, India

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Wireless Sensors are the tiny devices that can used to sense the environmental parameters like temperature, light, motions, greenhouse gases, motions etc. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) usually consists of many densely deployed sensor nodes in a given area to perform certain tasks. On the other hand, Internet of Things (IoTs) is a world-wide network of interconnected devices with physical and virtual devices, embedded systems and other networks. Sensors are the primary element of IoT which is used to generate data in the network. The main goal of this paper is to discuss more about how WSN interact with IoT for different type of applications 


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Internet of Things (IoTs), Sensor Enabled Applications.
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  • Internet of Things with Wireless Sensor Network

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Yogesh Kumar Gupta
School of Computer Science and Applications, Reva University, Bangalore, India
Rajeev Ranjan
School of Computer Science and Applications, Reva University, Bangalore, India


Wireless Sensors are the tiny devices that can used to sense the environmental parameters like temperature, light, motions, greenhouse gases, motions etc. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) usually consists of many densely deployed sensor nodes in a given area to perform certain tasks. On the other hand, Internet of Things (IoTs) is a world-wide network of interconnected devices with physical and virtual devices, embedded systems and other networks. Sensors are the primary element of IoT which is used to generate data in the network. The main goal of this paper is to discuss more about how WSN interact with IoT for different type of applications 


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Internet of Things (IoTs), Sensor Enabled Applications.
